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If you are a biology junkie, then this list of amazing facts, specially curated by the home tutors of Mr. Banerjee Tutor’s Hub is bound to blow your mind. 

  1. Apple seeds contain cyanide- A lethal dose of cyanide varies between 0.5 to 3.5 mg/kg body weight in humans. 1 gram of apple seeds can potentially release 0.6 mg of cyanide. Thus, it is unlikely to develop cyanide poisoning by consuming apple seeds, as one would have to eat an enormous number of seeds. However, it is advised that one must not consume apple seeds at all.
  2. Dragonflies have more than 28,000 Eyes- More than 80 percent of the dragonfly’s brain is dedicated to eyesight and each eye has more than 28,000 eyes inside them.
  3. Whales Lived on Land- Before evolving into the modern-day whale, the prehistoric ancestor of the whale was a cat-size four-legged land-dwelling animal called Pakicetus.
  4. The Hardest Part of the Human Body is Tooth Enamel- As surprising as it sounds, our tooth enamel is actually even stronger than our muscles and bones.
  5. Plants are getting Bigger due to Global Warming- Plants are truly amazing. Recent research has shown that plants are increasing the size of their leaves and growing at an incredibly fast rate due to the high levels of CO2 in the air because of global warming.
  6. Largest Deep-Sea Fish- The biggest Yokozuna Slickhead pictured is said to be 2.5 m or more than 8 feet long, making it the biggest deep-sea fish till date.
  7. The Deadly Australian Box Jellyfish- The Australian box jellyfish is considered to be the deadliest marine animal on the planet. Getting stung by one can cause cardiac arrest, paralysis or even death, only within minutes of getting stung.
  8. Ears Keep Growing Forever- Although our eyes do not keep growing with time, our ears do. Ears keep growing bigger throughout their lifetime.
  9. You can Taste Garlic through your Feet- If you rub a lot of garlic on your feet, you will most likely be able to taste a garlicky taste inside your mouth. This happens because the chemical that creates the garlic smell can travel through your skin and eventually reach the mouth.
  10. Polar Bears are Not White- The fur of a polar bear is actually translucent or transparent and not white. It only appears white to us because it reflects visible light. On top of that, the skin of a polar bear is completely black underneath its fur. How incredible is that!

Our job is to make studying fun and interesting at the same time. So, if you wish to learn more fun facts while increasing your knowledge and if you are looking for an offline private tutor in Kolkata or online tutors in Kolkata, contact Mr. Banerjee Tutor’s Hub and take the first step towards better education today. 

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