4 Lessons The Pandemic Taught Us To Apply While Tutoring!
The COVID-19 pandemic was an eye-opener for so many life aspects. Naturally, it put a magnifying glass on educational systems. It opened the door to discussions on convenience and technological access, the importance of social-emotional well-being, and so on. In this blog, let’s discuss the pandemic’s impact on home tutors in Kolkata and all over the world.
Make The Difference With The Right Tools
The Coronavirus made it necessary for the schools and tuition centers to become more tech-savvy. The rise of online classes gave birth to new digital tools. With schools being closed, both the teachers and students had to take up the digital route.
The Pandemic taught how having a flexible tool at your disposal can make learning more convenient. Some tutors in Kolkata are still carrying on the digital teaching mode as it makes lives easier.
In Some Cases, Less Is More
Online tuitions forced teachers to drill down the unnecessary rituals of teaching. They focused more on the important skills that are useful rather than the less vital things. It allowed them to teach what matters in today’s life and exclude all the baseless bookish knowledge. As a result, the students were able to take only the effective lessons out of their online classes. A time-consuming group discussion turned into a quick video call, a lengthy lecture turned into a simple mail and much other learning process got streamlined! What else can be the best way to save some time?
A Back-up Plan Is A Must!
If there’s one thing that the pandemic taught the teachers, it’s that plans don’t work everytime. Many home tutors had to loosen the control and stay idle as schools closed suddenly. And what was the takeaway? Always be flexible and come up with a backup plan.
For instance, In case of an incidental technology glitch, backup worksheets kept students engaged! Online trackers prevented students from getting distracted and allowed the teachers some time to plan their next move.
Peace and Cooperation Matter!
Despite interacting only through a screen, the pandemic shed a light on the importance of sync and harmony between the teachers and the students. Despite the social distancing, interaction never stopped and learning got even better! Students got to meet their teachers and peers due to the online practice of home tuition in Kolkata.
While everyone is waiting for the schools to open again, private tuition became convenient and cost-effective with the practice of a virtual learning environment. If you are looking forward to seeking help from the best home tutors near you, always lookup for an online session! It will save you time, effort, and money.