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Saturn is often crowned as the most beautiful planet in our solar system and the reason why our giant neighbour is called that is because of the majestic rings that surround Saturn. It would be quite hard to recognize Saturn without its iconic rings. So what is going to happen that will make the iconic rings around Saturn disappear by 2025? 

Now, in case, you are too shocked or heartbroken after hearing that, hold on a second. A lot of my friends are physics tutors in Kolkata and I asked them to ask their students if they knew about the disappearing rings of Saturn.  Most of the students had a very passionate response to it and ever since then, I have tried telling about this to as many students as I possibly can Although the rings of Saturn are going to disappear in 2025, it is going to disappear temporarily for a few months and after that the rings are gradually going to come back again.

How is that going to happen?

Well, the rings of Saturn are not going to disappear and reappear just like that. What is actually going to happen is that our perspectives are going to change. Saturn takes about 29.4 years to complete one complete revolution around the sun. Within this period, people from the Earth can watch the rings of Saturn from primarily two angles, first, when the rings are tilted towards us and second, when the rings tilt away from us. When Earth transitions between the change of these two perspectives, there comes another angle and period of time, when the Earth and the rings of Saturn line with each other. From that angle, the rings of Saturn practically disappear from our view because it is so thin. Year 2025 is that period of transition when the Earth and the rings of Saturn will line with each other and after that year, the rings are gradually going to become visible to us again. Still don’t believe me? Try asking your schoolteacher or home tutor, I am sure that they are going to explain it to you in a lot more detail.

If you want to learn more interesting facts about Physics and more mind-blowing information like this one, then make sure to visit Mr. Banerjee Tutors’ Hub. They are the best tutoring agency to find the best physics tutors near me that I can think of. Not only are you going to be receiving world-class lessons and guidance for your schoolwork but you will also be receiving a well-rounded education in physics with lots of fun facts, trivia and extensive knowledge.

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