Join As A Tutor

Join As A Tutor


    For Teachers:-

    (1) We take one month fee as a service charge. Please read the following payment methods carefully to avoid misunderstanding in future.

    Please note that teachers are not allowed to inform student/ guardian about mode of payment. We will inform the student/ gurdian how and when they will pay fee.

    (a) Advance mode: If student/guardian wish to pay in advance ( i.e at the beginning of the month), then we will collect the whole amount of tuition fee from them at the beginning of the first month. Teacher will not get any amount on this month. From the next month and onward teacher will collect his/her tuition fee from the student/guardian.

    (b) Month-end mode: But if student/ parent wish to pay tuition fee after end of the month then the following mode of payment will be followed:

    First two months we will take half of the fee from the student/ guardian and teacher will get half of the fee from the student/ guardian. From the next month and onwards teacher will get full amount of fee.

    If it is proved that the teacher has taught wrongly then no fee will be paid to him. Do not play with the future of the students.

    (2) Teachers are requested not to keep in too much busy with mobile phone during class hours.

    (3) When we send a lead (student’s/guardian’s name and phone number) to a teacher, he/she has to call the said number immediately. After this it is a duty/courtesy of a teacher to give us the feedback.

    (4) Please inform us when you are going to start a tuition. It helps us to collect tuition fee from the student/guardian in time.

    (5) Last but not the least, we expect honesty and sincerity from a teacher. We provide more and more tuition to a teacher who is honest, sincere and works with transparency.